Mission Statement
The mission of Northside Middle School is to provide an equitable opportunity for all students within a safe environment to develop physically, socially, emotionally, and academically toward age appropriate competency levels.
Welcome to NMS (Northside Middle School). We are located in the Northwest quadrant of Muncie, Indiana and are a part of the Muncie Community Schools. Being one of two middle school buildings, NMS houses over 1000 students with a racial distribution of 72% Caucasian, 24 % African-American and 4% other.
Northside became Muncie's third high school in 1970 and was converted to a middle school in 1988, leaving Central and Southside as the only two high schools in the district. Originally, the facility contained seventh and eighth grade students, but sixth graders were added to the student body in 1995. There are presently eight teams of 4-5 teachers (two of which are split between grade levels) that offer core classes in language arts, math, English, social studies and science. During the seven period day, students leave the team to attend other classes such a physical education, art, music, food and consumer science, exploratory foreign languages, computers or industrial technology. Teacher advisory (TA) time is interspersed throughout the schedule on a daily basis as the need arises. Teaming allows the teachers to arrange core class schedules in ways to benefit the students: TA time, team meetings, special programs, field trips, etc.
As a result of including sixth grade students into NMS, elementary teachers were brought into the facility thus creating a diverse faculty and lending many levels of training and experience to the students´ education. Meetings are scheduled regularly for different groups of faculty in order to open lines of communication within teams and across grade levels and various departments.
Northside offers a variety of extra-curricular activities such as team sports, academic teams, intramural sports, computer club, cheer block, drama, etc. The music department is also an asset to NMS with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands, orchestras, and choirs who compete and perform throughout the year.. PVO (Parent Volunteer Organization) with the guidance of a coordinator is utilized in numerous ways in the building every day including summer months.
Communication with students´ homes is increased through the use of Homework Hotline, periodic progress alerts, conferences, and monthly bulletin. The teachers, administration, PVO, counselors, and other faculty and staff are working to help Northside Middle School students become functioning educated adults for our future society.